- Beschreibung: Errols Kampf gegen den großen Drachen in Ankh-Morpork.
- Quelle: selbst gezeichnet
- Fotograf oder Zeichner: John Howe John Howes Internetseite
- Andere Versionen: keine
- Lizenzstatus: nicht freigegeben
John Howe stellt diese vier Bedingungen zur Verwendung seiner Bilder auf anderen Internetseiten:
- That the use be strictly non-commercial.
- That the work be properly credited.
- That a clear link to www.john-howe.com be provided.
- Last but not least, that the use of the image be in accordance with the image itself. This is perhaps hard to make clear, but I would refuse, for example, use of one of my pictures to promote ideas, concepts or undertakings with which I disagree, or for which the image's prime purpose is only to attract attention to something entirely different.
Ein Artikel aus dem DiscWiki.